Luisa Catucci Gallery
Modernising Nature
Artist: Zak van Biljon
Type of art: Photography
Duration: 13th October – 24th November 2023
Vernissage: 13th October 2023, 6-9pm
The gallery focuses mostly on the primary market and the promotion of art internationally, and it presents a program with a 6 weeks rotation of curated exhibitions showing the multiple expressions of the contemporary art world, inspired mainly by perceptive, psychological, social, and existential matters.
Luisa Catucci Gallery devotes itself to the exploration of the essence of our time by presenting artists from different generations and cultural backgrounds who, with surprising and stimulating styles, are focused on grasping and expressing the complexity of the multifaceted existence.

Art Salon Zurich
Die neue Kunstmesse in Zürich. Die Boutique Art Fair findet statt vom Do. 28. September bis So. 1. Oktober 2023.

Photo Münsingen - Modernising Nature
The focal points of Photo Münsingen 2023 are water photography, customs, people, landscapes and other creative things Photo exhibitions.

Galerie Märtplatz - Modernising Nature
Seit Juni 1988 betreibt die Gemeinde Affoltern am Albis eine Galerie. Aus der ehemaligen Galerie Märthüsli am alten Wochenmarkt ist mit dem Neubau des Gemeindehauses die Galerie Märtplatz an der oberen Bahnhofstrasse 7 im alten Kasino-Kopfbau entstanden.

MIA - Luisa Catucci Gallery

Modernising Nature - Galerie Monika Wertheimer
Modernising Nature Einen unverbrauchten Blick auf die Schönheiten der Natur zu erhalten, dafür ging Zak van Biljon über das sichtbare Spektrum hinaus. Das Ergebnis waren Bilder von einer unerhörten Lebendigkeit.

Art Salon Zurich
Die neue Kunstmesse Art Salon Zürich legt den Fokus in erster Linie auf die Bedürfnisse der Galerien, des Kunsthandels und der Kunstschaffenden, mit dem Ziel ihre Präsenz auf dem Schweizer Kunstmarkt zu stärken und ein nationales und internationales, kunstinteressiertes Publikum gezielt anzusprechen. Hierzu sollen zeitgenössische Kunst in Gegenüberstellung zu etablierten Künstlerpositionen der Kunst der Moderne gezeigt werden.

Kulturwoche - die fünf Sinne
2. Sinn — die visuelle Wahrnehmung — Fotograf Zak van Biljon zeigt seine Kunst
Der Fotograf Zak van Biljon zeigt uns in seinem neusten Kunstwerk die Schweizerlandschaft
in lebhaften Rosa- und Rottönen. Seine Kunst will, dass sich der Betrachter beim Eintauchen
in die scheinbar unwirkliche Welt seiner Fotografien an die reale Landschaft erinnert.

Photo Basel - Galerie94
photo basel is Switzerland's first and only art fair dedicated to photography based art

Galerie 10
South-African born photographer Zak van Biljon finds inspiration for his work in the complex relationship between humans and nature. He explores a variety of themes ranging from notions of reality and perception to the interplay between nature, humanity, urbanity and art. Most importantly, he challenges our universal understanding of the natural world. As a master of the infrared photographic technique, van Biljon creates lustrous, alluring effects in his photographs that surpass the conveyance of an aesthetic perception of nature. While the upcoming exhibition leaves room for van Biljon’s unmistakable landscape images that reveal to us the sensations resulting from experiencing nature in an alternate color universe, the focus lies on photographs that examine themes of abstraction. That is to say, the artist is calling attention to nature’s ability to abstract itself in different ways.
Amongst other things, nature has a tendency to abstract itself in intricate structures such as branch wood or flower fields. Both of these structural forms have been the subject for different photographic series by Zak van Biljon. Selected pieces from both series have been singled out for this exhibition and curated alongside van Biljon’s signature landscapes. In particular, the new works point to intricate natural microcosms encapsulating the dynamics of rule and disorder that underlie the existence of the natural and the human world. Van Biljon’s photographs of thicket, branches, flower fields and meadows fascinate due to their densification of patterns and details. The employed infrared photographic technique brings out seemingly contradictory color accents which are sprinkled throughout the natural sites captured by the artist. As a result of this, we perceive not only the painterly but also the abstracting qualities of nature on a heightened level. Van Biljon’s photographs show us, in other words, how nature creates and simultaneously dissolves its own forms.
Further on, nature’s ability to abstract itself becomes most prominent in van Biljon’s photographs of water surfaces, which are the latest addition to the photographer’s oeuvre. These images reveal the material properties of water and illustrate, again, how nature abstracts and fragments itself on various levels. Van Biljon captures the exact moments where the mirrored forms on the water’s surface are being dissolved, fragmented and abstracted by the movements of the liquid element. However, what is, perhaps, most striking about this set of photographs, is their monochromatic golden color. So to speak, van Biljon further challenges our perception of nature, while staying true to his medium—the infrared. The liquid element captured by the artist is not only transformed in its coloring but also seemingly in its materiality. The artist—quite literally—turns water to gold.
In essence, van Biljon reflects upon notions of transformation and abstraction which are central elements and themes when it comes to the natural world. However, oftentimes it takes an artist’s skilled eye to draw attention to such processes. The curated image selection highlights the wide range of sensations to be experienced when viewing infrared photography and it gives a comprehensive understanding of Zak van Biljon’s ever expanding infrared universe.

Galerie Koschmieder - Pop-Up-Show
This pop-up group exhibition shows works and art books by the participating artists Zak van Biljon, Susane Bergstaedt, Mike Chick, Ellen Korth, Josef Wolfgang Mayer, Achim Mogge and Jörg Rubbert. One highlight is the presentation of a new photo book by Jörg Rubbert, who has visited Paris regularly for more than 30 years, photographing social hot spots and entertainment districts, as well as bourgeois neighbourhoods and imposing squares by day and by night. Atmospherically dense and emphatic, it shows us the transformation of old Paris into a modern multicultural metropolis. Just come by for a cup of tea and some cookies…

Galerie Koschmieder - ROT RED ROUGE
The exhibition with works by the artists Susane Bergstaedt (D), Zak van Biljon (CH), Gerlinde Spotka (D), Achim Mogge (D) and Josef Wolfgang Mayer (D) is dedicated to the universal signal colour red. It stands for warmth and danger, for courage and mercy as well as for power and anger, for fertility, maturity, love, happiness, life and death. Its mere perception increases our human metabolism by 13.4%. In the works of the photographers and painters, we experience the intense colour spectrum and initiate a conversation between painting and photography about colours and, in particular, the colour red and its meaning in the pictures shown.

Galerie94 - H20
Water equals nature, water equals rain, water equals air, and water describes an elementary occurrence. — Water equals longing, water equals art, and water is a source for new life. — Water equals color, water equals sculpture, water equals resource, and water equals politics. In short: Water is everything.
This coming spring season Galerie 94 dedicates a group exhibition to the ever-present subject of water. The aforementioned subject can be found time and again in contemporary art and artistic positions. On this occasion, Galerie 94 once again focuses on the medium of photography. Water describes one of the main themes of 19th Century painting and photography. However, the exhibition ”H2O” will also include critical artistic positions who not only concern themselves with the uncomfortable truths, but also broach the political issues surrounding water. In doing so, the exhibition will display various artistic mediums such as installation, painting, video and photography. The selected artworks correspond to the many forms in which water makes its appearance and showcase the inner and outer workings of the element. Furthermore, the exhibition will demonstrate, how contemporary landscape photography picks up the mirroring powers of water in their truest form.
The works of Chrissy Angliker, Daniel Canogar, Gian Häne, Denise Haschke, Silvio Maraini, Kostas Maros, Dylan Martinez, Janet Mueller, Ruth Maria Obrist, Ingo Rasp, Ursula Rutishauser, Claudia Schildknecht, Jan Sebesta, Sandro Livio Straube, Olga Titus and Zak van Biljon show how water is omnipresent in various surroundings and materials, artistic mediums and positions.

Galerie10 - Spring Show
Moderninsing Nature
Born in 1981 in South Africa, Zak van Biljon studied at the National College of Photography in Pretoria, before emigrating to Europe in 2004. Over the past two decades, van Biljon has made a name for himself in the art world working in the field of commercial photography while simultaneously consolidating his skills as a fine art photographer. Van Biljon’s work explores notions of reality and perception, nature and urbanity, through his signature style of infrared photography.
The infrared photography technique—originally developed for military surveillance and crop surveys—consists of a process, where infrared-sensitive photographic materials react to the near-infrared light that is naturally reflected by organic materials. As a result of this, van Biljon’s naturescapes photographs visually manifest themselves in vibrant red and pink colors. Combined with the Zurich-based photographer’s expertise on staging natural light within the framework of his artistic practice, this unique technique contributes to the vast visual stimuli with which the viewer is confronted when seeing van Biljon’s work. In other words, by making masterful use of the infrared photography technique, van Biljon manages to go beyond the everyday visible spectrum. In doing so, he challenges our universal understandings of perception of nature and landscape. Modernising Nature, as a series, thus embodies a complex catalogue of visual indexicality that interferes with everyday reality and calls for an unprecedented examination of our environment.
The works included in the exhibition at Galerie 10 give insight into Zak van Biljon’s pivotal—yet continually evolving—imagery ranging from majestic infrared pictures of Swiss- local landscapes, through to detail-oriented nature studies and to photographic analyses of organic structures such as flower fields or branch wood. Oftentimes, the latter unfold their full effect beyond the picture’s borders. In doing so, Zak van Biljon reveals the ubiquitous dialogue between humankind and nature. He examines how the alternate color ranges revealed in his photographs confront our sense of realism, calling to mind the effects of current-day modernity upon nature. In the words of author Lukas Tonetto: “The vivid pinks and reds in Zak van Biljon’s work will therefore attract those neon city dwellers which think they have overcome nature and who are yet subconsciously reminded of nature out there.”

Photo Basel - Berlin
In order to celebrate photography in real life again – photo basel is honored announce the invitation by POSITIONS Berlin Art Fair to join their monumental art fair in September (September 10th – 13th).
photo basel/berlin, POSITIONS Berlin Art Fair as well as paper positions berlin will be located at acclaimed Tempelhof Flughafen Berlin and run parallel to the renowned Berlin Art Week, the Gallery Weekend Berlin and the Berlin Biennale.
We are more than excited to share these news with you – as we sincerely believe that this art event in Berlin will certainly be one of the cultural highlights of the year. In addition, we are looking forward to welcome many collectors and also local visitors that flock the city of Berlin (last year the Berlin Art Week accounted for over 120’000 visitors), to celebrate art institutions of all kinds.

Galerie94 - Modernising Nature
The artistic works of South African photographer Zak van Biljon explore the mysterious technical and visual world of infrared light. Due to van Biljon’s usage of the unique infrared technique and due to his controlled staging of light, van Biljon’s photographs depict organic material in electric pinks and vibrant reds. These unconventional visual effects prey upon our perception of representations of nature and stimulate the viewer to experience his surroundings in unconventional ways.

Month of Photography Los Angeles
The MOPLA Group Show is a submission based exhibition featuring local and global emerging and established photographers.
Participating artists include:
Luke Austin, Birgit Freybe Bateman, Lucy Bell, Nicola Buck, Alex Cave, Parinya Champ, Niko Giovanni Coniglio, Phil Donohue, David Egan, Guendalina Fiore, Daniel Castro Garcia, Ellen Garvens, Paula Rae Gibson, Toni Greaves, Photographer Hal, Jill Hannes, Erin Hoffstetter, Jay Kim, Tania Franco Klein, Katelyn Kopenhaver, Hugh Kretschmer, Sasha Maslov, Michael McCoy, Nathaniel Perales, Lauren Pisano, Marlies Plank, James Porschen, Osceola Refetoff, Jessica Sample, Linn Phyllis Seeger, Karolina Sekula, Niv Shank, Steven Simko, Arden Surdam, Zak Van Biljon, Leticia Zica, Shaughn and John, Synchrodogs.